Special Calendars in Accounts Payable

Special Calendars

Special Calendars in Accounts Payable? To use Special Calendars in Payment Terms and Recurring Invoices, they must first be defined.

SetupCalendarSpecial Calendar

Special Calendars in Accounts payable

Type of Calendar: To specify that this calendar will be used to define a recurring invoice template, pick the Recurring Invoice option.

Name  and  Description:  Enter name and description  for the calendar.  We can select this name from a list of values when we assign a special calendar to a recurring invoice template.

Periods per year: For this calendar, enter the number of periods every year. If we’re defining a monthly calendar, for example, enter 12. Enter 4 if we’re using a quarterly calendar.

Period Name: Enter the name of the month or period, for example, APRIL, MAY, JUNE, and so on. Quarterly calendar Qtr1, Qtr2, and so on.

Year: specify the calendar year in which the period occurs.

Sequence: In the Sequence fields, type numbers to indicate the order in which the periods appear. A period’s sequence numbers should correspond to the period’s sequence in a normal calendar.

From and To Dates: Enter the From Dates and the To Dates for the period. Periods within a year cannot overlap.

System  Name:  Payable  displays  the  System  Name  for  the  period  by  combining  the accounting period name you entered with the last two digits of the From Date. Payable lists System Names whenever you select a period name from a list of values.

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